New Install of eDirectory 8.8.1 on OES Sp2 Linux

  • 3832938
  • 09-May-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server (Linux based)
Novell eDirectory 8.8 for Linux


The online documentation eDirectory 8.8 Installation Guide - 3.6 Installing eDirectory for eDirectory 8.8.1 describes how to properly install eDirectory 8.8.1. However, there are a couple of missing steps in the documentation to successfully complete the configuration of eDirectory 8.8.1, which are given here.


The online documentation mentioned above describes how to get the eDirectory 8.8.1 files from either the command line rug interface, or the GUI rcd interface. No changes are needed for those instructions. However, it states that doing the described update will get the yast2-novell-common file with the others. This is incorrect. It must be downloaded as a patch from the OES channel, patch-11148. We also recommend a patch to rcd, the most recent of which is currently patch-11461.

patch-11461 - This patch improves rcd, rug, and red-carpet's support for SUSE patches. It shows: 1) if a patch is installed, 2) the short description of a patch, 3) patch type (security, optional, etc) and 4) filter to only display patches that are not installed. It also includes some security updates. This patch is highly recommended, but not required. Second is patch-11148 - yast2-novell-common. This patch adds a test to determine which version of eDirectory is installed, ie. 8.7.3 or 8.8. Previously we only tested for 8.7.3, but needed to add the test for 8.8 so 8.7.3 wouldn't get installed on top of 8.8 if it existed

The steps about exporting the paths are correct in the documentation, but the step to initialize NICI is critical for the installation of eDirectory to succeed.

These two patches can be downloaded either before or after getting the eDirectory 8.8.1 files, but the NICI initialization must be done after the 8.8.1 package installation which includes the need NICI files and prior to attempting to configure eDirectory 8.8.1

Summarizing needed steps:
1) In Red Carpet, from oes patch tab: get patches 11461 and 11148
From commandline, subscribe to oes channel in rug, and download the two patches
> rug sub oes
> rug pin patch-11461
> rug pin patch-11148
2) NICI initialization:
> ln -sf /var/opt/novell/nici /var/novell/nici
> /var/opt/novell/nici/set_server_mode

You can now start the configuration of eDirectory, either from the commandline using ndsconfig, or from YAST.