Upgrading from ZFD 401 IR4 zenpartition to ZDM 7 zen partition fails.

  • 3829040
  • 23-Jul-2007
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management - ZfD7
Novell ZENworks for Desktops 4.0.1 - ZfD4.0.1
Novell ZENworks for Desktops 4.0.1 Interm Release 4 - ZfD4.0.1 IR4
Novell ZENworks Imaging


Upgrading from ZFD 401 IR4 zenpartition to ZDM 7 zen partition fails.
Typing 'img' at the bash prompt still shows ZENworks version 4.0.1



1- If ZFD 401 server is still available, update it to ZFD 401 IR6. This will update the zen partition to the latest version for ZFD 401. Then change the PROXYADDR variable on the zen partition to point to the ZDM 7 server.

2- Burn a ZDM 7 bootcd and update the zen partitions using it.

3- If the existing zen partition space is not needed at the moment and the need is to stop the reboot loop, a server side solution is to make the \ZENWORKS\IMAGING\UPDATE\ directory empty. This will stop the code from entering the update code path and will fail through to the operating system seamlessly.

Note: If a patch is installed using winsetup.exe an empty bin directory is created and the files initrd, linux, and root files were placed back in the \zenworks\imaging\update folder and they will most likely need to be removed.

Additional Information

Formerly known as TID# 10099584