Novell GroupWise 7.x
Error "8209: File does not exist"
Error creating or importing new documents into a GroupWise 7 Library.
Import or Create Documents with GroupWise 7 Document Management
Error creating or importing new documents into a GroupWise 7 Library.
Import or Create Documents with GroupWise 7 Document Management
Possible solutions to this error follow:
1) If a Library Storage Area is being used, ensure that the
root directory structure (as indicated in the Details on the Post
Office under Library Storage Areas) exists. Check the
properties of the library / storage area and insure that the path
to the storage area is valid and exists.
2) If no Storage Area is being used and documents are stored
at the post office instead, ensure that a \DOCS directory exists
beneath the \LIBXXXX directory to which the library belongs.
Manually creating the path is the best method for correcting this
condition. NOTE: There is no need to manually create the \FD*
directories beneath the root directory. As documents are added, the
client or the POA will create these directories.
3) Insure the directory structure where the storage area
resides adheres to the 8.3 standard. Any directories in
the storage area path need to be 8 characters or less.
4) Insure that POA startup file sys:\system\?.poa contains a
user and password of an NDS user with rights to the storage
Additional Information
Note: Under normal circumstances, the POA agent will create
the appropriate directory structure for the documents. However, if
the POA cannot attach to the location of the Library Storage Area,
the initial create of the root directory structure may fail.
Note: If the storage area resides on a different volume or
server then the post office it is necessary to add the /user
/password to the poa startup file .poa in order that the POA may
log in and have rights to the storage areas. You can add this
user to the poa startup file under sys:\system\*.poa and restart
the POA.
Formerly known as TID# 10010100