Additional Information
Novell Client 4.91 SP1 implemented the ability to trigger an automatic LDAP Contextless Login lookup during the transparent login attempt that occurs when the Windows GINA configuration has been overridden such that "GinaDLL"="MSGINA.DLL" or any other GINA besides "GinaDLL"="NWGINA.DLL" in the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] key of the registry.
This transparent Novell Client login attempt occurs after the Windows logon has occurred and before the user's desktop is presented when MSGINA.DLL is the Windows primary GINA. This Novell Client login attempt is the one that can be suppressed using the "Login Without Novell's GINA" setting in the "Advanced Login" tab of the Novell Client Properties.
If LDAP Contextless Login is enabled when this "Login Without Novell's GINA" transparent login attempt is occurring, the Windows username that was supplied to MSGINA.DLL is used by the Novell Client to perform an LDAP Contextless Login lookup.
Note this "Login Without Novell's GINA" transparent login attempt does not occur if "Initial Novell Login" = "Off" in the Novell Client Properties. (In that case, the Windows"GinaDLL" configuration is actually still "NWGINA.DLL", even though interactively the Microsoft GINA login user interface is being displayed.) The "Login Without Novell's GINA" setting only applies when the Windows "GinaDLL" configuration is for something other than NWGINA.