Duplicate workstations for same device in ZAM database

  • 3817864
  • 05-Sep-2007
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 7.5 Asset Management - ZAM7.5
Novell ZENworks 7 Asset Management - ZAM7


If the serial number is missing or out of sequence with the manufacture specifications, the workstation is considered to be new workstation like it has never before been scanned.
If the WorkstationOID string value underHKLM\Software\Tally Systems Corp.\TSCensus\CollectionClient\ is being changed each time a scan is done, check the serial number of the workstation.


This is working as designed.
The serial numbers of the workstation being scanned needs to be a unique identifier.
Use a third party tool to set the serial number for the motherboard.

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