Kernel parameter "nobiospnp" has no effect

  • 3810992
  • 01-Apr-2008
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
Novell Linux Desktop
Novell Open Enterprise Server 1 Linux based (OES 1/Linux)


During system boot, the kernel reports an ERROR:PnPBIOS: You may need to reboot with the "nobiospnp" option to operate stably
This message persists even when the kernel is booted with the parameter nobiospnp.


Boot with the kernel parameterpnpbios=offinstead of nobiospnp.

Additional Information

The advice in the warning message is outdated; the parameternobiospnphas been replaced bypnpbios=off. The message has been fixed as of kernel version 2.6.5-7.311 from patch-12106.