Novell Apache on NetWare 2.0.x
Novell GroupWise WebAccess
Novell iManager
...and a tomcat dependant web
application (not limited to the following)...
Novell GroupWise WebAccess
Novell iManager
Apache fails to load, revealing the error in the Apache error log
(SYS:/Apache2/logs/startup.err) :
Syntax error on line 5 of SYS:/Apache2/conf/GWApache2.conf:
Invalid command 'JkMount', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
Locate the apache configuration file (by default,
SYS:/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf) that Apache uses to load, and open
this for editing (do NOT use
Windows Notepad). Follow the procedure :
- Locate the string "LoadModule" in the configuration file.
This should be a list of "LoadModule" lines loading various Apache
*** If this list is missing, check the number of lines in the configuration file. Anything less than 200 is typically an indication of a failed install by a web application, or a failed upgrade. In this case, copy the httpd_default.conf to httpd.conf, and ensure that it is populated with the LoadModule statements. *** - At the end of the list of LoadModule statements, add a line for
loading the jk_module :
LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.nlm
- If you are missing the following lines, add them below the
LoadModule (and prior to any "Include" lines, or lines containing"jk"), add the following (unless the lines exist in the httpd.conf
file already) :
< IfModule mod_jk.c>
JkWorkersFile "sys:/adminsrv/conf/mod_jk/workers.properties"
JkLogFile "logs/mod_jk.log"
JkLogLevel error
< /IfModule>
- Clear the Apache log files (SYS:/Apache2/logs).
- Start Apache using "AP2WEBUP".
Additional Information
Apache itself does not run Java-based web applications. As a
result of this limitation, Tomcat is also run to house these
services, and Apache must pass the requests to Tomcat. In
these cases, Apache must be instructed to pass the requests to the
Tomcat service. This is done using the "JkMount"
configuration option.