Server will boot but volumes will not mount after upgrading from NW65SP2 to NW65SP3

  • 3809697
  • 19-Apr-2007
  • 27-May-2012


Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 2
Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 3
IBM X series server model 225
IBM X series server model 235
IBM X series server model 345
Any IBM ServeRAID adapter
Dell PowerEdge server model 2650
Dell PERC2.HAM driver
Error appears upon reboot and then the server hangs
The support pack was installed successfully with no errors


ERROR: Partition size exceed device capacity.
Error: "The critical component (SGUID.NLM) was not loaded or executed or is missing. NetWare cannot function without this component" on the logger screen. If you see this then first go to TID 10097234
Volumes will not mount
SYS volume will mount but will deactivate quickly
After NW65sp3 server fails to boot properly
After NW65sp3 server fails mount volume
applied nw65sp3 now the disk is unavailable

Server will boot but volumes will not mount after upgrading from NW65SP2 to NW65SP3
Server will boot but volumes will not mount after upgrading HAM and/or CDM drivers


FIX 1: Back-rev both scsihd and the driver to SP2 levels. (you're still 2 off, but it's the same as it was in sp2 when volumes would mount)
FIX 2: Back-rev scsihd to SP2 level, then run partfix if the server volumes wont mount.
FIX 3: Apply SP6. The most current PARTFIX is included in that support pack

Additional Information

The raid driver (IPSRAID) in sp2 was broke. It would report the capacity of the drives as being one sector larger than they really were.

SCSIHD also incremented this capacity per the SCSI spec in which the capacity is reported as the last block number on the disk, not total blocks (good old zero relative vs total count.) Thus in sp2 all capacities were actually off by 2 sectors. IBM fixed the driver for sp3, the increment was also taken out of the scsihd in sp3. You update to sp3 and again you come up with a server that thinks the partitions are 2 sectors larger than the "true" reported capacity of the device. Back-revving to SP2 version of scsihd gets you 1 sector closer, and in most cases media manager will automatically take care of that error on the fly and the volumes will mount normally.

However; Novell has found a case where media manager did not take care of the one sector error. In this case running partfix (dated February 17, 2005 or later) is needed to get the volumes to mount.

  1. Load PARTFIX without any switches (this will create a partfix.txt file in the C:\NWSERVER\ directory). You will see"ERROR: Partition size exceed device capacity". This error is due to the way the driver looks at the partition boundaries. The partition boundary appears to be larger than the device it resides on by one sector.
  2. Run PARTFIX /r at the server console. The /r switch will repair the partition boundary problem.

Formerly known as TID# 10093547