Novell NetWare 6.5
Error: BASH: cd:
Creating Mount Points to Access
NetWare Volumes in bash
The BASH shell on NetWare uses POSIX style directory syntax similar to Linux* when specifying pathnames. The foreward slash character (/) is a path separator. The backslash character (\) is not a path separator. Volume names may not be used to specify the location of files or directories (that is, it is invalid to type cd sys:/system). The sys: volume is specified by an initial foreward slash (/) in the path (for example, cd /system). To access other volumes at the BASH prompt, you must set up a pathtab file.
To set up this file, modify (or create) sys:/etc/pathtab, placing each mount point and volume on a line similar to the following:
[POSIXPath] [NetWare Path]
For example:
/vols/data data:\
/mystuff data:\users\username
/remote RemoteServer\sys:\subdir
/vol1 VOL1:\
The first example mounts the data volume to
/vols/data in BASH, the second example mounts the users\username folder to /mystuff in BASH, and so on. In these
examples, the directories /vols/data,/mystuff, /remote, and /vol1 must exist in the root of the sys: volume.
# cd /volumes/
# ls
BASH: cd:
The CORRECT method is to map a drive to the NetWare SYS:\ volume, create the directories (again, do this OUTSIDE of bash) to mount the volumes to, create/edit the SYS:\ETC\pathtab file as described above, load bash, and 'cd' into the mount point.
IE. For the following directory structure on SYS:\ (create the 'volumes' directory and its subdirectories) you would have a pathtab file that looks similar to:
Directory Structure
SYS: -
BLAH . . .
/volumes/vol1 DATA:\
/volumes/vol2 HOME:\
/volumes/vol3 PRINTING:\mypath\morepath\
If done correctly then under bash you will be able to access the volumes using this path:
# cd /volumes/
# ls
vol1 vol2 vol3