Novell Open Enterprise Server (NetWare based)
Novell Open Enterprise Server (OES)
Novell NetWare
Novell DNS
Novell DNS Management Console
Database Error: E1008
Prefered node list for selected NCP Server contains node(s) with older version.
Occurs creating a cluster enabled DNS server
Prefered node list for selected NCP Server contains node(s) with older version.
Occurs creating a cluster enabled DNS server
One or all nodes involved do not have Novell DNS/DHCP services
Additional Information
Easy way to check if the node involved does have Novell DNS/DHCP
Services installed.
Start NWCONFIG | Product Options | View/Configure/Remove Installed Products
In the list of current installed products there should be an entrysaying:
DNSDHCP X.X.X Novell DNS/DHCP Services
Start NWCONFIG | Product Options | View/Configure/Remove Installed Products
In the list of current installed products there should be an entrysaying:
DNSDHCP X.X.X Novell DNS/DHCP Services