Novell ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management - ZfD6.5
Novell ZENworks Inventory
It looks like the documentation for ZFD 4.x& 6.5 were incomplete as they don't really use
working examples and fully explain how to filter.
The documentation does say that: "If the Reporting dialog box
allows wildcards, you can use the asterisk (*) or question mark (?)
with all selections criteria. The wildcard characters can be used
for character data only."
The asterisk (*) is the only wildcard that can be used in some
of the Reporting fields--as per development. That means the
question mark (?) will not work in some fields. The * and ? require
being very clear on where they can/can't be used. The ? should work
in the 'Machine Name' field. The Machine Name can be queried by'part(s)' of the 'Machine Name'.
What is 'data'? This needs to be explained/defined.
One weakness of the documentation, it seems, is that the distingushed name (DN) is used in the 'Machine Name'. There doesn't appear to be any other field it could be used in but there is nothing stating that specifically.
The output from a successful query on the Reporting with default
* on all fields will display the expected convention needed for
user-defined queries. Example: output for 'Machine Name':
1. CN=*.OU=WORKSTATIONS.O=NOVELL.C=US.T=LAB110TREE in the'Machine Name' worked finding all workstations in that context.
2. For a 'Machine Name' of 'LAB110', CN=LAB*.OU=WORKSTATIONS.O=NOVELL.C=US.T=LAB110TREE, didn't work initially. On a second, new tree (rather than the much used & tested migrated old tree) it did work. After checking with development, it is coded to work.
3. Neither did CN=LAB???.OU=WORKSTATIONS.O=NOVELL.C=US.T=LAB110TREE. On a second, new tree (rather than the much used & tested migrated old tree) it did work. After checking with development, it is coded to work.
4. CN=LAB110.* in the 'Machine Name' did find the machine with
that name. If that same name was in another context, would it find
it? Did not test.
5. On the IP address field, one workstation's IP address is If I used 123.45.67.???, the w/s was found. If
123.45.???.??? (extra ? in the 3rd octet), the w/s with only 2
digits in the 3rd octet was not found. Using 123.45.??.??? worked.
I expect if there were workstations with 3 real numbers in the 3rd
octet (ex: 123.45.678.999), then 123.45.???.??? would've found all
workstations with that format of IP address--didn't test though.
You have to use ? for the semi-colon also as the ? is for each
Feedback is welcome.
Additional Information
Formerly known as TID# 10098886