ZCM 10.0.2 manual update files

  • 3793950
  • 22-Feb-2008
  • 18-Jun-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management


Unable to update ZENworks 10.0.1 to 10.0.2 (System Update 1) via ZCC, System Update
Attempts at applying patch 5007725 and TID 3985692 fail to upgrade ZCM 10.0.1 to to 10.0.2
Need war files to manually update a ZENworks 10.0.1 system to 10.0.2



  • It is only necessary to use the steps below to manually upgrade to ZCM 10.0.2 if the on-line documentation System Update process fails and attempts at clearing the update (TID 5007725) or stopping the patch service (TID 3985692) have failed, and troubleshooting steps in TID 3156703 have not resolved this problem.

  • Determine the version of ZENworks Configuration Management:
    • Windows: HKLM\Software\Novell\ZENworks; ValueName ="Version"
    • Linux (Prior to 10.0.2): rpm -q novell-zenworks-core-server
    • Text File (10.0.2 and later versions):
      • Windows: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\Novell\Zenworks\version.txt
      • Linux: /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/version.txt
Steps to manually update ZENworks 10.0.1 to ZCM 10.0.2 (System Update 1) via war files:

First obtain the ZCM 10.0.2 manual patch found at https://download.novell.com "ZCM 10.0.2 manual update files" (by searching for keyword"zenworks-update-10-0-2.war") that includes the following files:
  • DownloadApplyUpdate.xml
  • zenworks-update-10-0-2.war
  • zenworks-update-server-10-0-2.war
Note: If you configured ZENworks to use ports other than 80 and 443, it is necessary to manually modify the following files to use the correct port:
C:\Program Files\Novell\ZENworks\share\tomcat\conf\server.xml
C:\Program Files\Novell\ZENworks\conf\loader\DownloadApplyUpdate.xml

1.0 Single server zone

1.1 Redirect the NCC request...

1.1.1 The DownloadApplyUpdate.xml file from the patch URL listed above needs to replace the same file located at %ZENWORKS_HOME%\conf\loader directory (/etc/opt/novell/zenworks/loader on linux).
1.2 Supply the Update files...

1.2.1 Copy the zenworks-update-10-0-2.war file from the patch URL listed above to the folder at %ZENWORKS_HOME%\share\tomcat\webapps (/opt/novell/zenworks/share/tomcat/webapps on linux)

1.2.2 Copy the zenworks-update-server-10-0-2.war file from the patch URL listed above to the folder at %ZENWORKS_HOME%\share\tomcat\webapps (/opt/novell/zenworks/share/tomcat/webapps on linux)
1.3 Set up the redirect DNS entry...
1.3.1 The system-update.xml included in the war files relies on the existence of a server named "zenworks-update-server". Make sure that this name is resolvable from the ZCM server to the server where the update files are being hosted (see Supply the Update files above). Either modify the hosts file and add the line: zenworks-update-server


add an entry to the DNS server to resolve this name.
You may need to flush the DNS cache, or reboot the server at this point.
1.4 Get everything started...
1.4.1 Restart the Novell ZENworks Server Service (Restarting the zenserver service on Windows restarts both the zenserver and zenloader service)
1.4.2 Restart the Novell ZENworks Server Loader (zenloader).
1.5 Note that the time to process the war file extraction could vary.
1.6 Proceed to System Update steps found in the on-line documentation. Note that the managed device will remain in a Pending state until the agent is refreshed (right click on the Z icon to Refresh and Show Progress).
1.7 Once the update is applied, reverse the change made to DNS in step 1.3.1 above which will allow the servers to be automatically redirected to the Novell Customer Center server for future updates.
2.0 Multiple server zone
2.1 On one server:
2.1.1 Complete all the steps for the Single Server zone above.
2.2 On every other server:
2.2.1 Complete the Redirect the NCC request, Set up Correct DNS entry, and Get everything started steps.
3.0 Single/Multiple server zone with Web Proxy
3.1 If you are using a Web Proxy, follow TID 3087025 first. The parameter in the DownloadApplyUpdate.xml file will have to be added to the list of parameters in the existing DownloadApplyUpdate.xml file, in addition to the previously mentioned steps.