Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise Document Management
DF17 error displayed upon a POA startup.
Can't Load Post Office Agent and gives error DF17
1. Run Stand-Alone GWCHECK utility
2. Select Database Type as Post Office
3. Specify the path to Post Office database folder
4. Specify Post Office name as mentioend in ConsoleOne
5. In Object Type select Library and in a field type a string "all" (without apostrophes). And this is a trick to use all instead of a name of any specific library.
6. Select Analyze/Fix Library under Actions
7. Select Verify Library, Remove Deleted Storage Areas and activate also Move Documents First, then click on Run
8. Once completed you will see in a GWCheck log a message about remote area being deleted.
Next try to load POA. If it shall fail again with displayed error DF17 error, load POA with NOCONFIG switch.On the server console prompt type - load gwpoa @nameofpoa.poa /noconfig. For example if the POA filename is postoff.poa then the command would look like this:
load gwpoa @postoff.poa /noconfig
If the POA loads with NOCONFIG switch then it indicates that Guardian Database is still referencing to any remote area that was once used with a library. To remove the entry from the Guardian Database you are required to Contact Novell Technical Support that will fix it.