Installation of SP5 for NetWare 6.5 backrevs iPrint iManager NLM

  • 3788777
  • 12-Oct-2006
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell iPrint for NetWare Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 5


If the iPrint plugin installed to a NetWare server is newer than the release date of Support Pack 5, then the SP5 install will backrev an iPrint iManager NLM named JNDPS.NLM.

There are several variations of the below steps that will duplicate this problem:

1. Install NetWare 6.5 SP3 with iPrint
2. Install iManager 2.6
3. Install latest iManager 2.6 iPrint plugins (JNDPS.NLM v4.20 Feb. 27, 2006)
4. Install NetWare 6.5 SP5
5. JNDPS module will be downgraded to (JNDPS.NLM v4.10 Dec. 6, 2005)


Manually copy back the newer JNDPS.NLM into the server's sys:\system directory. Restarting tomcat will cause the newer module to be loaded into memory.

The newer JNDPS.NLM can be acquired by
1. Download the iPrint NPM
2. Rename the extension from NPM to ZIP
3. Extract JNDPS.NLM from the ZIP file.