Novell ZENworks 7.2 Linux Management - ZLM7.2
Novell ZENworks Linux Management 7 - ZLM7Situation
The message: "eDir failed to start properly. Please ensure
that this machine is configured with a static IP Address" is
displayed in log when installing ZENworks Linux Management.
This message could be misleading - it has been changed to read"eDir failed to start properly. Please ensure that this machine is
configured with a static IP or permanently-leased DHCP
This issue has been fixed in ZLM 7.2 Hot Patch 5, and ZLM 7.2
IR 1. To obtain early access to a hot patch with the fix for this
problem, Send an email to zen.feedback@novell.com
with the subject of "ZLM7.2 Hot Patch". An email reply will be sent
with instructions on how to obtain the hot patch.
There could be multiple reasons for this error. Try working
through the following:
1) Make sure that the server you are installing onto has a
static IP address or a permanently leased DHCP address.
2) Perform an NSLookup and verify that forward and reverse
lookups are resolving to the same IP address and DNS name
3) Look in the Hosts file and remove the entry for
if it is present.
4) Check that eDir is listening on port 10636. If not, the
machine could be missing libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3. Install the
package compat-32bit-2006.1.25-11.2..rpm
Additional Information
This message is misleading - it has been changed to read "eDir
failed to start properly. Please ensure that this machine is
configured with a static IP or permanently-leased DHCP
This issue has been fixed in ZLM 7.2 IR 1.