Novell Access Management 3 Linux Access Gateway
There may be occasions where NTS requires customers to run their
Linux Access Gateway in debug mode for troubleshooting purposes.
Debug mode will severely impact performance due to the high logging
done and is not recommended unless NTS specifically asks for the
debug output.
To run the Linux Access Gateway in debug mode, the following steps
must be performed:
- stop the current proxy by running / etc/init.d/novell-vmc stop
- run /etc/init.d/novell-vmc debug-start
If NTS requests an event log (used to help debug issues like race conditions easily) for debugging purposes, then these additional steps must be done
- /etc/init.d/novell-vmc stop
- /etc/init.d/novell-vmc gdb
- when in gdb prompt, execute a'r -m 35 2>/var/log/ics_dyn.log'
- duplicate the issue
- save event log
- If Signal received gdb prompt is already there
- Else do a Ctrl C and then
- d ,save 30 which saves to /chroot/lag-debug/opt/novell/debug/event.txt
Email this file into NTS.
- stop the current proxy by running / etc/init.d/novell-vmc stop
- run /etc/init.d/novell-vmc debug-start
If NTS requests an event log (used to help debug issues like race conditions easily) for debugging purposes, then these additional steps must be done
- /etc/init.d/novell-vmc stop
- /etc/init.d/novell-vmc gdb
- when in gdb prompt, execute a'r -m 35 2>/var/log/ics_dyn.log'
- duplicate the issue
- save event log
- If Signal received gdb prompt is already there
- Else do a Ctrl C and then
- d ,save 30 which saves to /chroot/lag-debug/opt/novell/debug/event.txt
Email this file into NTS.
Additional Information
Logging difference between debug and production:
- Debug build logs into the /var/log/messages
- Debug build has a source event log generated
Chroot for Debug and Production is in two seperate directories:
/chroot/lag – Production
/chroot/lag-debug – debug
- Debug build logs into the /var/log/messages
- Debug build has a source event log generated
Chroot for Debug and Production is in two seperate directories:
/chroot/lag – Production
/chroot/lag-debug – debug