Could not create an instance of SambaUserArray. Error: Could not get the CIM server data. Error: CIM_ERR_INVALID_CLASS

  • 3768604
  • 10-Jan-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES2)
Novell Samba


Error: "Could not create an instance of SambaUserArray. Error: Could not get the CIM server data. Error: CIM_ERR_INVALID_CLASS" when selecting an NCP server via the OES2 iManager Samba plugin.


Error is a result of the OpenWBEM/CIM schema not being extended for novell-lum.
Run the following command to resolve the issue:
owmofc -u https://localhost/root/cimv2 /usr/share/mof/novell-lum-providers/novell-lum-providers.mof

Additional Information

The issue was determined to be a OpenWBEM/CIM LUM schema issue by doing the following:
1. Set 'log.main.level = DEBUG' in /etc/openwbem/openwbem.conf
2. Restart OpenWBEM by running 'rcowcimomd restart'
3. Review the /var/log/messages file after reproducing the issue. Notice an entry similar to:
"openwbem: Message: requested object could not be found (/root/cimv2:Novell_LUMConfig)"
4. Confirm that the novell-lum-providers rpm has been installed:'rpm -q novell-lum-providers'

After running the command in the "Resolution" section, notice the following entries in one of the /var/lib/openwbem/loadmof.log.* files:

File: /usr/share/mof/novell-lum-providers/novell-lum-providers.mof Line: 0: Starting parsing
File: /usr/share/mof/novell-lum-providers/novell-lum-providers.mof Line: 125: Finished parsing
File: /usr/share/mof/novell-lum-providers/novell-lum-providers.mof Line: 19: Processing Class: Novell_PAMModule
File: /usr/share/mof/novell-lum-providers/novell-lum-providers.mof Line: 19: Created Class: Novell_PAMModule
File: /usr/share/mof/novell-lum-providers/novell-lum-providers.mof Line: 47: Processing Class: Novell_LUMConfig
File: /usr/share/mof/novell-lum-providers/novell-lum-providers.mof Line: 47: Created Class: Novell_LUMConfig
File: /usr/share/mof/novell-lum-providers/novell-lum-providers.mof Line: 79: Processing Class: Novell_PAMSettingData
File: /usr/share/mof/novell-lum-providers/novell-lum-providers.mof Line: 79: Created Class: Novell_PAMSettingData
File: /usr/share/mof/novell-lum-providers/novell-lum-providers.mof Line: 98: Processing Class: Novell_PAMModuleSettingData
File: /usr/share/mof/novell-lum-providers/novell-lum-providers.mof Line: 98: Created Class: Novell_PAMModuleSettingData
File: /usr/share/mof/novell-lum-providers/novell-lum-providers.mof Line: 118: Processing Class: Novell_PAMModuleLUMSettingData
File: /usr/share/mof/novell-lum-providers/novell-lum-providers.mof Line: 118: Created Class: Novell_PAMModuleLUMSettingData
Compilation finished. 0 errors occurred.