How can I pre-populate members for a Novell Teaming Team workspace

  • 3768449
  • 25-Mar-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Teaming + Conferencing


To identify the steps needed to pre-populate Novell Teaming team workspaces with members, not having these members to have logged into Teaming for the first time yet.

The procedure will include the steps needed to create a Team workspace



1. Login to the Novell Teaming portal as the user "admin" : i.e - http://TeamingWebPortalServer:8080
2. In the Teaming Navigator portlet, click on "Team Workspaces", at the top right click, Manage, "Add new workspace".
3. Enter a Workspace title and for the type of Workspace select the "Team Workspace" radio button.
4. For the Team members section :
a. In the small list box to the right of "Users" or "Groups" type in a name to search that you can pick members from in the resulting list.
b. Click on the desired user name or group name to add to the Team members list of this Team workspace

5. For the Workspace folders section :
a. Select the desired folder(s) to be added to this new workspace, i.e - Blog, Calendar, Wiki, etc.
b. Click OK.
c. You should now see some of the members of this Team workspace.
d. Click on the word "Portal" in the upper right to exit this Team workspace portal.
e. If you now expand "Teaming workspaces" in the Teaming Navigator portal you will see the new Team Workspace you have just created, and when any of the added members logs into Novell Teaming for the fist time and thereafter, they will see this Team workspace listed under "Team Workspaces".

f. The members of this Team workspace, with default access rights, will be able to access and add content to this workspace.

Additional Information

It is assumed for the purposes of this document that LDAP authentication has been enabled and configured for Novell Teaming and that the LDAP URL in Teaming is configured with a search context of "ldap://TeamingWebPortalServer:389/o=tc".

It is further assumed that there are 1 or more OU's, with users, in eDirectory under the search context of o=tc.