Novell GroupWise 6.5
Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise 7
GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 32bit Client
Novell GroupWise Address Book
Novell GroupWise 32bit Client
Novell GroupWise Address Book
Windows XP
Windows 7
Error: "An error occurred while generating the summary page for this contact"
Error: "Try selecting a different style sheet"
Error occurs on Summary page for a contact.
Error may start after upgrading the Post Office to GroupWise 6.5
Error: "Try selecting a different style sheet"
Error occurs on Summary page for a contact.
Error may start after upgrading the Post Office to GroupWise 6.5
Customers seeing this problem will need to go to Microsoft.com and follow the instructions on downloading the Microsoft Parser (normally msxml.msi). Just copying the MSXML4*.* files is not sufficient. The files need to be registered which normally takes place during the installation.
NOTE: As of the writing of this document, this was the latest version on the Microsoft website. Please try the most recent one if there is a newer one available.
Changing the post office Access Mode (highlight post office | right mouse click and select Properties | go to to Post Office Settings | Access Mode) to Client Server only may fix this as well.
Copy the CLIENT/OFVIEWS directory from the 6.5 installation source to the Post Office OFVIEWS directory
Additional Information
The Microsoft parser files were missing (MSXML4*.*). Normally, these files should be installed when installing.
The GroupWise 6.5 views were not installed when upgrading the Post Office. These views include the .XML files used to generate the summary page
Formerly known as TID# 10090772
The GroupWise 6.5 views were not installed when upgrading the Post Office. These views include the .XML files used to generate the summary page
Formerly known as TID# 10090772