GWHA does not restart GWIA or WebAccess - gwia &/or WebAccess pid file missing

  • 3740936
  • 14-Mar-2007
  • 29-Apr-2013


Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise WebAccess 7
Novell GroupWise Internet Agent (GWIA)
Novell GroupWise High Availability Agent (GWHA)
Novell Open Enterprise Server (Linux based)
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9


unable to stop or start GWIA agent using rcgrpwise script
unable to stop or start WebAccess agent using rcgrpwise scrip.
GWHA process does not restart WebAccess when it has failed
no gwia pid file created when starting the gwia using rcgrpwise or /etc/init.d/grpwise scripts
no file created when starting WebAccess using rcpgrpwise or /etc/init.d/grpwise scripts
gwha.conf file not setup correctly to control gwia or webaccess agents


The root cause of this issue has been resolved in GroupWise 7.03.

The correct GroupWise 7.03 /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/gwha.conf configuration file is documented in the online documents found in the GroupWise 7 Installation Guide | Installation | Installing GroupWise Agents | Setting up the GroupWise Agents | Configuring the High Availability Service.

For versions of GroupWise 7.x, prior to 7.03, the details in the Additional Information section below may be useful in working around this issue until the Agents are updated to version 7.03.

If the workaround(s), detailed in the Additional Information section below, were used prior to updating the GroupWise Agents to GroupWise version 7.03 the /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/gwha.conf file must be modified to match the example documented in the online documentation found at Configuring the High Availability Service.

Additional Information

The following applies to versions of GroupWise 7.x prior to version 7.03.
See the Resolution section above for version 7.03 information.

The default headings added to the /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/gwha.conf file for the GWIA and WebAccess agents may not be correctly formated. Editing the heading for these agents as indicated below will allow the GroupWise High Availability Agent (GWHA) process and the normal start and stop functions of the groupwise control script to function correctly.

Note: Making the following change to the gwha.conf file for the WebAccess section will allow the gwha process to restart the WebAccess agent correctly. However the status returned when executing "rcgrpwise status" or "/etc/init.d/grpwise status" will always report unused even if the agent is running correctly. To check that the WebAccess agent is running correctly execute "ps -eaf | grep gwinter" and verify the gwinter process is active instead.

The GWIA agent section of the /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/gwha.conf file should look like:

[domain.gwia] the case of the domain name and the gwia name must match the case of the object's name

You may find this heading as [@gwia.cfg] or [gwia.cfg] - both of which will Not work correctly.

The WebAccess agent section of the /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/gwha.conf file should look like:

[WEBAC70A.domain] the case of the agent and domain name must match the case of the object's name

You may find this heading as [WEBAC70A] which will Not allow the gwha process to work correctly.

For a test system with the following Object names a complete sample gwha.conf file follows. The case of each object name used in the gwha.conf file must match the case of the objects as created and shown in ConsoleOne. The sample system is running on a single server, contrary to GroupWise Best Practices, for reference purposes here. The server name is "gwtest" which is used in the GWDVA configuration noted below.

Primary Domain - PrimeDom
Post Office in PrimeDom - PrimePO
GWIA in PrimeDom - GWIA

Secondary Domain - OtherDom
PostOffice in OtherDom - OtherPO
WebAccess in OtherDom - WebAcc70

===== /etc/opt/novell/groupwsie/gwha.conf ==========
ssl = no
key =
cert =
password =

server = /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/gwmta
command = /etc/init.d/grpwise
startup = primedom.mta
delay = 2
wait = 10

server = /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/gwpoa
command = /etc/init.d/grpwise
startup = primepo.poa
delay = 2
wait = 10

server = /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/gwmta
command = /etc/init.d/grpwise
startup = otherdom.mta
delay = 2
wait = 10

server = /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/gwpoa
command = /etc/init.d/grpwise
startup = otherpo.poa
delay = 2
wait = 10

;[GWIA.cfg] line commented out as incorrect syntax for gwha process
server = /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/gwia
command = /etc/init.d/grpwise
startup = gwia.cfg
delay = 2
wait = 10

;[WebAc70a] line commented out as incorrect syntax for gwha process
server = /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/gwinter
command = /etc/init.d/grpwise
startup = webac70a.waa
delay = 2
wait = 10

;Following section is optional for GroupWise Document Viewer Agent
; it is included here for reference of the correct syntax only.
; In this example 'gwtest' after 'gwdva' is the local server name
' Replace 'gwtest' with the local server name if this section is enabled
;The WebAcces agent will correctly start and restart the DVA if needed.
;server = /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/gwdva
;command = /etc/init.d/grpwise
;startup = gwdva.dva
;delay = 2
;wait = 10

====== end of file ======