You may run into one or more of the following issues with patching on Open Enterprise Server.
Being required to download all patches from the channel rather than just the ones that are not installed.
Having to click on a separate button to see a description of the patch being installed.
Not knowing the type of patch that is being installed without clicking on a separate button.
Having all patches appear in the list rather than just the ones that are not installed.
Not being able to review the license agreement files of specific patches.
Seeing invalid patch kind in rcd-messages
Need to ensure the Patches tab rather than the Update tab is selected when opening the Red Carpet GUI.
Not knowing the correct percentage complete of patches being applied.
Not being able to view patch summary information in the rug interface.
Being required to specify which system to connect to every time Red Carpet is launched.
Seeing occasional traceback
Patching failed due to incorrect disk space checks.
Removes dependency on the oessp2prepatch.sh script when patching from OES SP1 to OES SP2 or later. You do not need to run the script file oesp2prepatch.sh, if this patch is installed.
No longer requires downloading all patches in the channel (1.4 GB). Identifies which patches are already installed.
Displays the short description of a patch.
Displays the patch type such as security, optional, etc.
Improves the filtering of the current patches in the channel and displays only patches that are not installed.
Displays the license agreement files for patches.
Removes the "Invalid patch kind YaST2" error message from appearing in the rcd-log after patching the server.
Displays the Patches tab as the default tab when opening the Red Carpet GUI.
Displays the correct percent complete status.
Displays the summary of what the patch is in either interface.
Redcarpet reconnects to the same system every time it starts rather than prompting for a system.
Displays the channel name in the channel column on the Patches page.
Improves the patch sorting.
Remove occasional traceback
This patch replaces the previous RCD
patches: YOU patchfile 10810, 11016, and 11147.
For installation instructions, seehttps://www.novell.com/documentation/oes/install_linux/data/bxlu3xc.html.