Authentication to pure-ftpd fails after LUM cache refresh

  • 3737378
  • 12-Mar-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server 1 (OES 1) Support Pack 2 Linux
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2)
Novell Open Enterprise Server (Linux based)
Linux User Management (LUM)


Linux User Management (LUM) is installed and configured on the server
Sshd and pure-ftpd services are configured to use LUM ( in the /etc/pam.d directory
/etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf is configured to allow users to authenticate by commenting out the anonymousonly option.
LUM is configured to use persistent cache - /etc/nam.conf contains enable-persistent-cache=YES
LUM enabled users are able to authenicate to the server
LUM enabled users fail to authenticate to pure-ftpd service
LUM enabled users are able to authenticate to pure-ftpd serivice after they have authenticated to sshd until LUM's namcd refreshes cache


This issue has been reported to development.

The problem seems to be associated with how information is stored in the namcd cache is passed to pure-ftp.

See TID 3503915


Reported to Engineering