eDirectory 8.8.1
eDirectory 8.8.1 ftf2 patch
NetWare 6.5 SP6
Novell eDirectory 8.8 for All Platforms
eDirectory 8.8.1 ftf2 patch
NetWare 6.5 SP6
Novell eDirectory 8.8 for All Platforms
Free detected a corrupt trailing redzone Abend in eDir 8.8.1 or
eDir 8.8.1 FTF2
Pagefault abends in ds code.
Pagefault abends in ds code.
The code stacks appeared to be random, until we enabled the
SET ALLOC MEMORY CHECK FLAG =ON setting and gathered another core
dump. See stack below.
This abend is resolved in eDirectory 8.8.2 or greater.
This abend is resolved in eDirectory 8.8.2 or greater.
Additional Information
The code stack after enabling the SET ALLOC MEMORY CHECK FLAG = ON
looked like the following:
Current EIP: 0031FAF9 SERVER.NLM|CheckedFree+775
87A5D97C 8D952C5E DS.NLM|DMFree+10
87A5D988 8D9FCFC4 DS.NLM|_SyncExtRef_v2+155E
87A5DD90 8D9FD384 DS.NLM|_CheckExtRefs+22A
87A5DE08 8D9FD733 DS.NLM|_CheckReferencesByPartition+24
87A5DE10 8D9FD827 DS.NLM|CheckBacklinks+EF
87A5DE40 8D97A45B DS.NLM|BackgroundEvent+22E
87A5DF38 00363CB2 SERVER.NLM|CallAESRoutineWithEsiSet+A
87A5DF48 00264492 SERVER.NLM|WTDFrontEndHandler+62
87A5DF58 00363C22 SERVER.NLM|StartWorkToDo+23
87A5DF70 0021596C SERVER.NLM|WorkerThread+508
87A5DF88 002228F8 SERVER.NLM|TcoNewSystemThreadEntryPoint+40
(stack end)
Current EIP: 0031FAF9 SERVER.NLM|CheckedFree+775
87A5D97C 8D952C5E DS.NLM|DMFree+10
87A5D988 8D9FCFC4 DS.NLM|_SyncExtRef_v2+155E
87A5DD90 8D9FD384 DS.NLM|_CheckExtRefs+22A
87A5DE08 8D9FD733 DS.NLM|_CheckReferencesByPartition+24
87A5DE10 8D9FD827 DS.NLM|CheckBacklinks+EF
87A5DE40 8D97A45B DS.NLM|BackgroundEvent+22E
87A5DF38 00363CB2 SERVER.NLM|CallAESRoutineWithEsiSet+A
87A5DF48 00264492 SERVER.NLM|WTDFrontEndHandler+62
87A5DF58 00363C22 SERVER.NLM|StartWorkToDo+23
87A5DF70 0021596C SERVER.NLM|WorkerThread+508
87A5DF88 002228F8 SERVER.NLM|TcoNewSystemThreadEntryPoint+40
(stack end)