401 unauthorized Insufficient Rights trying to access the Fan Out iManager plugins.

  • 3717229
  • 22-Jan-2007
  • 30-May-2012


Novell Identity Manager 3
Novell Identity Manager Fan out driver
Novell eDirectory 8.8 for Linux


401 unauthorized Insufficient Rights trying to access the Fan Out iManager plugins.
Error when starting eDirectory "Novell eDirectory LDAP Server is not listening on the TCP port. Novell eDirectory LDAP Server is not listening on the TLS port."
eDirecoty hangs on startup if you put in "auto,system" for the ldapsdk and ldapx lines of the /etc/opt/novell/eDirectory/conf/ndsmodules.conf file.


Reapply the latest patch in for the Fan-Out driver. The driver version should be at least 311 or greater. Make sure to use the following instructions for creating the symbolic links to the LDAP client libraries.
cd /usr/lib/nds-modules [/opt/novell/eDirectory/lib/nds-modules on eDir 8.8
ln -s ../libldapsdk.so libldapsdk.so
ln -s ../libldapx.so libldapx.so

Additional Information

This can result from the Identity Manager 3.0 Fan-out Driver Patch - KB 2973079 not being applied or not being applied correctly.

Formerly known as TID# 10100595