PKI Libraries not available error when creating VPN services in iManager

  • 3711331
  • 13-Nov-2006
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell BorderManager 3.8
Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 6


When trying to create a VPN Server, NBM plug-in reports PKI plug-in is missing,
thwarting the VPN server creation.
PKI Libraries not available. Default Server Certificate, trusted-root
container and trusted root object could not be created. Please install PKI
iManager plug-in and try again, or create all of these using console-one.
Select if these are already created.

The PKI (Certificate Server) plug-in is installed.


This is fixed in vpn.npm, version 2.0.20061027, dated 27-oct-2006, included in BorderManager 3.8 Support Pack 5 and above.

Additional Information

Steps to Reproduce:

-Point browser to iManager
-Expand NBM VPN Configuration
-Select NBM VPN Server Configuration
-Select the 'Add' button to add a server to the VPN server list
-Browse for and select the server
-The following error appears:

PKI Libraries not available. Default Server Certificate, trusted-root
container and trusted root object could not be created. Please install PKI
iManager plug-in and try again, or create all of these using console-one.
Select if these are already created.