Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 5
Novell DNS NetWare 5.x DNS
Only on DNS servers set as Passive Secondary for a zone.
Novell DNS NetWare 5.x DNS
Only on DNS servers set as Passive Secondary for a zone.
Named unloads.
In the SYS:\named.run file the following erros are logged:
Jul 24 01:19:01.000 general: main: critical: zone.c:2420:
REQUIRE(!((zone)->locked)) failed
Jul 24 01:19:01.000 general: main: critical: exiting (due to assertion failure)
Jul 24 01:19:01.000 general: main: critical: exiting (due to assertion failure)
Jul 24 01:19:01.000 general: main: notice: exiting
critical: exiting (due to assertion failure)
Running named with a debug level set (named -dl 10) has caused this
issue to go away but returns after a period of time when named is
loaded without the debug level set.
Removing the replica from this DNS server that contains the DNS information solved the issue. After weeks of running without the replica on the local server it was put back on and has not had the issue since.
Prior to removing the replica we could not find a problem with it and it reported to be in sync with all of the other servers in the replica ring.
Removing the replica from this DNS server that contains the DNS information solved the issue. After weeks of running without the replica on the local server it was put back on and has not had the issue since.
Prior to removing the replica we could not find a problem with it and it reported to be in sync with all of the other servers in the replica ring.