ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1 Middle
The customer
installed the ZENworks Middle Tier service on a Windows 2003 server
that was also a Domain Controller.
Since AD was
using the default LDAP port of 389, eDirectory's LDAP was
configured to use port 1389 for clear-text access and 1636 for
secure LDAP.
The customer
confirmed LDAP was operational on port 1389 using an LDAP
The customer
also confirmed that"HKLM\Software\Novell\XTier\Configuration\XSrv,LDAP Port" was
correctly configured for the clear-text port of 1389.
The middle
tier server will attempt LDAP contextless login lookups using
clear-text if it is configured to use ports 289-489.
If a port
outside of this range is used then LDAP contextless login will
attempt to use secure LDAP.
The customer
was able to resolve the issue by using port 1636 which allowed the
secure LDAP to function properly.
The customer
would also have been able to configure eDirectory to use port 390
for clear-text and configure middle tier to use this port