Novell Open Enterprise Server (Linux based)
Novell Open Enterprise Server (OES)
Novell Open Enterprise Server (OES) Support Pack 2 Linux
NSS Pools and Volumes are located on the Novell Open Enterprise Server (Linux based)
Users no longer can access any files or directories on NSS Volumes
Users can no longer map to NSS Volumes over NCP
Trustee list is empty when accessing directories located on NSS Volumes
NCP2NSS daemon is not running when doing "ps -aux | grep ncp2nss"
Applied a new NCP Patch from the official OES Channel on update.novell.com
Users no longer can access any files or directories on NSS Volumes
Users can no longer map to NSS Volumes over NCP
Trustee list is empty when accessing directories located on NSS Volumes
NCP2NSS daemon is not running when doing "ps -aux | grep ncp2nss"
Applied a new NCP Patch from the official OES Channel on update.novell.com
The cause is that during the patch update the ncp2nss
process is stopped but it is never restarted after the patch has
been installed completely. The NCP2NSS process controls the
flow of trustees between NSS and NCP client , if this proccess is
not running it will apear that users have no rights or that all
trustees are missing .
1) Reboot the server this will cause the NCP2NSS process to be reloaded
2) run /etc/init.d/ncp2nss/ restart
1) Reboot the server this will cause the NCP2NSS process to be reloaded
2) run /etc/init.d/ncp2nss/ restart