Novell GroupWise Gateway - 7 Support Pack 1 Gateway
for MS Exchange
Novell GroupWise Gateway Gateway for MS Exchange
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
Gateway Restarts over and over again
Verbose log in GroupWise domain/wpgate/exchange/000.prc show
ERROR (E01) 041005: Unable to access MS Exchange Gateway
Grant appropriate rights to the user logged to Windows server
and launching the GroupWise Gateway application.
Modify these rights as follows in Exchange system
1. Go to Start
2. Choose all programs
3. Choose Microsoft Exchange
4. Choose Exchange System Manager
5. Expand First Administrative Group
6. Expand Servers
7. Expand the Server who runs the Gateway
8. Highlight First Storage Group
9. Highlight and right click the Mail box store (server
10. Go to properties and choose security Tab
11. Give Domain Admins, Enterprise Admins and the
user authenticating to GroupWise server Explicate right to send as
and receive as. These need to be set to allow and have no
greyed out check box on the deny.
un-checking inheritable permission under the advanced tab may
have to be used to enable the allow button and insure the greyed
out deny checks are removed when setting these right under the
properties of the Mail store.