Novell GroupWise 6.5
Novell GroupWise 6
Novell GroupWise 5.5
Novell GroupWise 5.5 Enhancement Pack (EP)
Novell GroupWise Internet Agent
Novell GroupWise 6
Novell GroupWise 5.5
Novell GroupWise 5.5 Enhancement Pack (EP)
Novell GroupWise Internet Agent
How to delete and reinstall GWIA
Corrective Steps:
1. It is important that your Software Distribution Directory
(SDD) is intact and patched to the latest code. Installing from a
CD will not give you the latest code available. If you are
unfamiliar with the patching process or would like to know a fast
and easy way to patch your SDD, see The Fastest Method For Patching A GroupWise
2. Unload GWIA.
3. Go to NWAdmin/Consoleone and get screen shots of the tabs of GWIA object.
4. If you have non-GroupWise domains linked to the GWIA
see KB 10055739 to undefine them.
5. Highlight the GWIA object (in NDS view, not GroupWise view) | right click | Delete .
6. Say "No" when asked about deleting the directory structure.
7. Rename\WPGATE\GWIA directory to\WPGATE\GWIA.old.
9. If GWIA is installed on a remote server from the GroupWise domain, rename that GWIA structure as well. This will corrilate to the DHOME switch in the GWIA.CFG file.
10. Go to your software distribution directory | Internet
| GWIA | install.exe.
11. Run the installation (there are some error messages for which you may want to select "Fix Later" and some of these error messages are cosmetic).
12. GWIA will load automatically on the server.
13. Check your screen shots and restore the GWIA configuration, if necessary. Afterward compare the GWIA.CFG with the renamed one to verify nothing was missed.
14. Transfer the files from the GWIA.old directory to the newly created directory. Only the message files are important. These are located in the DEFER, RECEIVE, SEND, WPCSIN and WPCSOUT directories.
15. If you suspect that there are corrupt messages in the GWIA.old subdirectories, then only transfer a few messages at the time and delete the corrupt messages.
16. The corrupt messages are those, which cause GWIA to act erratically again.
17. If you have prevent relay messaging set make certain to write down all the address exceptions.
2. Unload GWIA.
3. Go to NWAdmin/Consoleone and get screen shots of the tabs of GWIA object.
5. Highlight the GWIA object (in NDS view, not GroupWise view) | right click | Delete .
6. Say "No" when asked about deleting the directory structure.
7. Rename
9. If GWIA is installed on a remote server from the GroupWise domain, rename that GWIA structure as well. This will corrilate to the DHOME switch in the GWIA.CFG file.
11. Run the installation (there are some error messages for which you may want to select "Fix Later" and some of these error messages are cosmetic).
12. GWIA will load automatically on the server.
13. Check your screen shots and restore the GWIA configuration, if necessary. Afterward compare the GWIA.CFG with the renamed one to verify nothing was missed.
14. Transfer the files from the GWIA.old directory to the newly created directory. Only the message files are important. These are located in the DEFER, RECEIVE, SEND, WPCSIN and WPCSOUT directories.
15. If you suspect that there are corrupt messages in the GWIA.old subdirectories, then only transfer a few messages at the time and delete the corrupt messages.
16. The corrupt messages are those, which cause GWIA to act erratically again.
17. If you have prevent relay messaging set make certain to write down all the address exceptions.
Additional Information
Formerly known as TID# 10065738