iPrint Tray Icon disappears when you Net Stop Spooler

  • 3672306
  • 14-Nov-2006
  • 13-Oct-2015


Novell iPrint Client for Windows 4.20
Novell iPrint Client for Windows 4.25
Microsoft Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows XP


When doing a NET STOP SPOOLER on a Windows machine the iprint tray icon will be removed from the Tray.
Printers will disappear from the printers folder.
If you then do a NET START SPOOLER the printers come back to the printers folder BUT the ICON will not come back.
This is Working as Designed.


In order to bring the Icon back you will either need to restart your windows session by rebooting or logging off and back on to windows
you can issue the following command
The word TRAY_ICON is case sensitive