Error occurs when Workstation Import Service is loaded.

  • 3664877
  • 07-Mar-2007
  • 16-Mar-2012


Novell ZENworks for Desktops 3.0
Novell ZENworks Automatic Workstation Import


Error occurs when Workstation Import Service is loaded.
Error:" javax.naming.NameNotFoundException [Root exception is com.novell.service.jncp.NDSException: ccode = -601 (0xfffffda7)]"
Error is logged in the ZENWSIMP.LOG file
While contacting the Workstation Import Service, an error -1 was encountered, and error description was reported.
Imports just stops even though the process stays running.
Import service stops importing but is listening on port 8039 in TCPCON


In one case, Java 1.2.2 was installed. This resolved the problem. Try updating WS2_2.NLM
The fix for this problem was added to zfd3sp1a

Additional Information

Formerly known as TID# 10064104