Installing WebAccess Application on OES2/SLES10SP1+OES2 Add-on

  • 3659157
  • 20-Sep-2007
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (Linux based)
Novell SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Support Pack 1
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 Add-on
Novell GroupWise 7


How to install WebAccess Application on OES2?
How to install WebAccess Application on SLES10SP1+OES2 Addon?
How to install WebAccess Application on Open Enterprise Server 2 (Linux based)?

"Error 503" while trying to accessing WebAccess
ERROR: "Service unavailable" while accessing WebAccess
Unable to get to the WebAccess login page


Corrective Actions:

WebAccess Application with GroupWise Instance of Apache and Tomcat on SLES10 SP1
To install WebAccess Application with GroupWise Instance of Apache and Tomcat on SLES10 SP1, please select the option "Install WebAccess Application with Apache and Tomcat" and "Configure WebAccess Application" and follow the prompts

WebAccess Application with SLES10 SP1's instance of Apache and Tomcat on SLES10 SP1
To install WebAccess Application with SLES10 SP1's instance of Apache and Tomcat, please follow the steps listed in the following TID

WebAccess Application on OES2
In OES2, there will not be any option to use GroupWise instance of Apache and Tomcat. Follow the steps listed below to make GroupWise WebAccess Application work with novell-tomcat5 though tomcat5 may also be installed on the server
1. Launch Shell Konsole
2. Browse to the GroupWise Software Directory using the cd command
3. Type "./install" without quotes and press Enter
4. Click "Install Products"
5. Click "GroupWise WebAccess"
6. Click "Install WebAccess Application"
7. Once it is complete, click OK
8. Click "Configure WebAccess Application"
9. Follow the prompts and change the Apache path to"/etc/apache2/conf.d"
10. Change the Tomcat path to "/var/opt/novell/tomcat5/webapps" (Make sure that it reads tomcat5 and not tomcat4)
11. Follow the prompts to complete the install
12. Once completed, edit "/etc/apache2/conf.d/gw.conf" file and comment out
JkMount /gw/* ajp13
by putting a # symbol at the beginning of the line
13. Below the above line, type
ProxyPass /gw/ ajp://localhost:9009/gw/
Make sure that it is 9009 and not 8009. 8009 is used in SLES10 without OES2 Addon. In OES2, 8009 port is used by Novell Remote Manager.
14. Save the file
15. Type "rcapache2 restart" without quotes and press Enter
16. Type "rcnovell-tomcat5 restart" without quotes and press Enter
17. Launch the browser and type "http://IPAddress/gw/webacc" to test WebAccess Application

Additional Information

If the Apache path is not changed in "Corrective Actions" step 9, the gw.conf file can be found in the /etc/opt/novell/gw/ directory.