How to reset user account in GMS

  • 3643597
  • 03-Nov-2006
  • 10-Dec-2013


Windows 2000 Server
Windows 2003 Server
Novell GroupWise 7


Want to reset user account instead of deleting user for misc troubleshooting reasons.


Reset at the administrator level:

1. Go to http://localhost/diag on the GMS server.
2. Go to Email Accelerator
3. Select All Accounts if you would like to reset one or more users and select the user/s who you would like to reset.
4. If you would like to reset all users select all users on the Email Accelerator page.

Allow users to reset their own accounts from the webpim:
1. Open GMS Admin Console.
2. Select Email Accelerator
3. Select Email Accelerator User
4. Go to the properties of Default
5. Under setting select "Allow users to reset their Email Accelerator account.
6. Have the users login to the webpim
7. Go into the setup account tab.
8. The option on the bottom to Reset the Account will now be available.