How to set up GroupWise 7 WebAccess on Windows with Apache?

  • 3642772
  • 06-Sep-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 7
Microsoft Windows 2003
Apache for Windows


How to setup GroupWise 7 WebAccess on Windows with Apache?
Setting up GroupWise 7 WebAccess Application on Windows with Apache


Setting up GroupWise 7 WebAccess Application on Windows with Apache is NOT officially supported , however it is possible. Please follow the steps listed below:
1. Install IIS
2. Install WebAccess Application on Windows and select"Microsoft Internet Information Server(IIS) for Windows Server" during the installation and proceed ahead
3. Once the WebAccess Application is installed, please stop the IIS Service
4. Install Apache2 for Windows
5. Download from the following web site
6. Rename to and copy the renamed file to "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\modules"
7. Edit "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\httpd.conf" and add the following line without quotes after the last LoadModule statement
"LoadModule jk_module modules/"
8. At the very bottom of the file, add the following 3 lines
##### Begin Novell GroupWise WebAccess configuration #####
include "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\GWApache2.conf"
##### End Novell GroupWise WebAccess configuration #####
9. Save the file and exit
10. Create a new file GWApache2.conf and copy the following in the new file
# Root context mounts for Tomcat
JKmount /*.jsp ajp13
JKmount /gw/* ajp13
Alias /gw "SYS:/tomcat/4/webapps/gw"
# In general, allow access.

Options MultiViews
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AllowOverride All

Allow from all
# Deny access to the running code.

deny from all
# Add default character sets

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

AddDefaultCharset ISO-8859-1

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

Order allow,deny
deny from all
# Deny access to the manifest, etc.

deny from all

Order allow,deny
deny from all
11. Save the GWApache2.conf file in "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf"
12. Start Apache and Tomcat from Services
13. Launch a browser and type http://IPAddressOfTheServer/gw/webacc to test if WebAccess is working
14. Once Apache is functioning, make sure IIS is compelety disabled. If needed, uninstall IIS
15. Make sure Apache starts up automatically when the server starts

Additional Information

Adding the following line in httpd.conf will redirect the request automatically to the Login page and will avoid the need to type /gw/webacc in the URL manually
Redirect permanent /index.html"httpd://URL/gw/webacc"