Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
Novell SLES 10
Entering the URL to access the Mobile Server WebPIM does not redirect the user to the login page.
Tomcat had a problem due to a corruption that originates in a genweb folder having either invalid or no information.
Resolution for a Windows edition of GMS:
- Stop Intellisync Mobile Suite services.
- Locate Program files \ Intellisync Mobile Suite \ Tomcat \ webapps folder and rename or delete genweb directory.
- Start Intellisync Mobile Suite services again and hit the http:/<GMS_IP> web site This will generate new genweb site so it might last for a while till entire directory is regenerated. This could lead into a situation that the login web page does not display immediately so repeat the web site request few times till it is displayed correctly.
Resolution for a Linux edition of GMS:
- Stop mobilesuite daemon.
- Locate /opt/ims/lib/external/tomcat/webapps directory and rename or delete existing genweb directory.
- Restart Linux box (init 6) and once it is up and started mobuilsuite services, hit the http:/<GMS_IP> web site. You shall be seeing newly generated GMS login web page.
You can also alternatively look at the CoolSolution: