Table of Contents
Server Operating Systems
GroupWise Agents
GroupWise time zone definitions maintained by ConsoleOne
GroupWise Clients
Workstation Operating Systems
User Impact Issues
Consequences of using old DST information
What is the best way to handle this?
Adjusting Scheduled Events
Resetting the Work Schedule Start and End times
DST Savings Time Adjuster Tool
A. Server Operating Systems
The following links provide details for updating servers with the New Zealand 2007 DST information:
B. GroupWise Agents
GroupWise 7 has an updated WebAccess and GWIA agent, and GroupWise 6.5 ONLY requires Webaccess to be updated. The other GroupWise agents (POA, MTA) DO NOT need to be updated unless they are on the same server as the updated GWIA and/or Webaccess because they share some of the same files (See the update documentation for more details). The updates are available at the following locations:
DST changes are in GW 7.0.1 POA, MTA, GWIA and Webaccess release patch date of 21 December 2006 or newer.
DST Changes are in GW 6.5 Post SP6 Webaccess release patch date 3 November 2006 or newer.
GroupWise Messenger does not need to be updated as it relies on the OS time zone definitions. Make sure that these are updated as referenced above.
Users of the Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) should refer to any RIM advisories for more information on device updates and other information.
C. GroupWise Time Zone Definitions Maintained by ConsoleOne
The GroupWise time zone definitions need to be modified with the new transition rules. Follow the Steps listed below for making these changes:
1. Launch ConsoleOne
2. Connect to the Primary Domain
3. Click Tools | GroupWise System Operations | Time Zones and modify the following Time Zones
For the Aukland/Wellington timezone, change the definition to the following:
Start Day:Last Sunday of September
Last Day:First Sunday of April
Note:After updating the time zone database, you MUST restart all agents to ensure that updated time zone information takes effect.
D. GroupWise Clients
It is not necessary to update GroupWise clients. GroupWise clients depend on the workstation's operating system for time zone information. Updating the operating system's time zone information helps ensure that GroupWise appointments are scheduled correctly.
End users will need to update previously scheduled events and reset their Work Schedule Start and End times. See section F below for details.
E. Workstation Operating Systems
Windows Workstations:
Make sure that Windows Workstations have been updated as per Microsoft's Advisory.
Linux (SLED) Workstations:
Make sure that SLED Workstations have been updated as per Novell's Advisory.
F. End User Impact Issues
1. Consequences of using old DST information
Before a workstation's time zones are updated, an appointment scheduled for the time periodbetween the old and new DST transition dates could be off by one hour. For example, an appointment scheduled to occur between September 30 and October 6, 2007 (the new and old DST start dates), will be scheduled at the wrong time because wrong DST information will be used. This will only be apparent after updating to the new DST transition rules.
This behavior also applies to appointments scheduled to occur between March 16 and April 6 of 2008 (the old and new DST end dates), or during any similar period in future years. After a workstation's time zone definitions are updated, appointments can be correctly scheduled for these time periods.
2. What is the best way to handle this?
1. Update workstation time zone definitions as soon as possible.
The best course of action is toupdate workstation time zone definitions in a timely manner. This is most effectively completed by applying the appropriate updates provided by the workstation operating system vendors. The sooner this is done, the less likely users will create appointments in the affected time periods that will be incorrect.
2. Advise users to inspect appointments in the affected time periods and, if necessary, adjust them.
Users may have already created appointments in these time periods, or may do so before the workstation's time zones are updated. After a workstation is updated, users should be advised to inspect appointments in those time periods and adjust them if necessary. Section 3 below provides steps to adjust different scheduled events.
3. Advise users to reset their Work Schedule Start and End time .
3. Adjusting scheduled Events
Adjusting Posted Appointments:
Drag and drop the appointment to the new time
orOpen the appointment, modify the time, then post
Adjusting Sent Appointments:
Drag and drop the appointment to the new time. When prompted to edit, choose no. The old appointment is retracted and the new one sent.
orSelect the appointment. Choose the Resend menu option. Modify the time (and other changes if desired) then click Send. Choose Yes to retract.
Adjusting Posted All-Day Events:
Drag/Drop the all-day event onto the same day.
orOpen the item, click the all-day event check box, then click Post
Adjusting Sent All-Day Events:
Select the all-day event. Choose the Resend menu option. Click the all-day event check box, then click Send. Choose Yes to retract.
Adjusting Received Appointments or All-Day Events:
Contact the organizer and ask him or her to adjust and resend the item.
4. Resetting the Work Schedule Start and End times
The current work schedule time Start and End times are displayed next to the "Work Schedule” group box title on the Tools – Options – Date and Time dialog. Even if the Work Schedule Start and End times are displayed correctly, performing the following steps ensures that the correct Start and End times are adjusted for the corrected DST transition rules. These steps should only be applied after the workstation(s) have been updated.
In the GroupWise client Choose Tools | Options | Date and Time...
Change the Work Schedule - Start time and End time values to something different
Click OK
Choose Date and Time... again
Set the Start time and End time values back to the original or desired values
Click OK
Click Close
G. DST Adjustor Tool
The DST Adjuster Tool that was created for North American Customers during their DST time change HAS NOT been modified for use with the New Zealand time shift.
The administrative workstation that will be used to install, configure and execute Riva must have its Regional and Language Options set to (English) New Zealand (Control Panel - Regional and Language Options). The Riva New Zealand DST module will ONLY appear and be available to be configured if the workstation's Regional and Language Options setting is correctly configured to (English) New Zealand.
Please visit the following URL to download the module, module documentation and Quick Tour Video.
Please visit the following URL for a public forum when encountering issues with the product.