NetWare 6.5
support pak 5
backup and restore using Arcserve tape software 11.1r
support pak 5
backup and restore using Arcserve tape software 11.1r
Backup speed would degrade over time. Slower after several days.
slow performance
Reduced these settings to the default of 100000
Additional Information
The server being backed up had only 2 gig of ram. Two nss tuning
parms had been set too high for the amount of ram that the server
nss /namecachesize=500000
nss /closedfilecachesize=500000
These settings would cause nss.nlm to take over 700mg of
the server's ram. Almost half. This would especially be true when
backing up very large volumes. In this case the volumes were over
500gig in size. Nss will not release this memory until the server
is getting low on memory. Such was not the case here. The server
still had enough memory to operate, but the nss cache was so low,
that performance suffered. The nss.nlm had taken the memory from
nss cache. This can be seen when loading the seg.nlm. This will
show the top memory consuming nlms on the servers. See
KB 3341011 -
Formerly known as TID# 10100888