NetWare 6.0
support pack 5
Setting up DFS junctions
support pack 5
Setting up DFS junctions
Unable to get the attributes of the object. Unable to get the
details for the selected object
Unable to get the effective rights of the object
No property pages available
Users could not see the new junction at the root of sys:
Unable to get the effective rights of the object
No property pages available
Users could not see the new junction at the root of sys:
Consoleone cannot be used to grant trustees to a junction. You have
to use XML to do this or a utility called FILEATTRIBUTES.EXE.
Unfortunately, XML functionality is not available in 6.0 NetWare.
You have to upgrade to 6.5 to get this feature. The
FILEATTRIBUTES.EXE also requires 6.5 NetWare to function. The
solution is, you must upgrade to 6.5 NetWare.
NOTE: This file is only available with the assistance of Novell
Technical Support. Please contact Novell Technical Support if you
are in need of this utility. To add a trustee with this tool,
you will not be able to browse to select the trustee, rather you
will need to manually type in the full context including the tree
of the user or group object you wish to add. Eventually, this
functionality will be put into imanager. But there's no ETA on that
yet. Still, it requires 6.5 NetWare.
Additional Information
Only admin or equivalent users could see the new junction created
at the root of sys:. Trustees could not be granted to the users for
this directory. If one goes into consoleone to grant trustees to
the junction, the above errors would occur.
Formerly known as TID# 10097045
Formerly known as TID# 10097045