When defining a notification rule, Event ID = eDirectory does not appear in the drop down list.

  • 3621904
  • 09-Aug-2006
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Audit 2.0.0
Novell Audit 2.0.1
Novell Audit 2.0.2
Microsoft Windows Server 2000 or 2003


When defining a notification rule, Event ID = eDirectory does not appear in the drop down list.
The server was upgraded from a previous version of Novell Nsure Audit, such as 1.0.3.
Other Event ID product groups are missing as well.


Please do the following:
1.) Check and make sure that the instrumentation you are looking for is actually installed. For example, if you are looking for eDirectory, make sure that eDirectory is installed as a Log Application. If the instrumentation is not installed, please see #3.) below.
2.) Please perform the following steps:
a.) Login to iManager. Click on "Auditing and Logging".
b.) Click on "Query Options" and then click on the"Product Events" tab. At the very top you will see "Novell Audit Secure Logging Server DN". The Secure Logging Server (SLS) server object should be contained in that box. If the SLS server object is not there, then go browse for the object and select it. Once the SLS server object is in the box, click the "Update" button to save your changes. Go back into your Notification filter and see if your missing application is there.
3.) If #2.) above does not fix your problem, please do the following steps:
a.) Login to iManager. Typically this is done athttp://or ip-address>/nps/iManager.html .