Error : STRFile Couldn't transfer properly. ( ZENWriteFile() error code : 0x1F)
ZENWriteInvFile : Info : Trying to copying file in Client32 mode using Win32 API CopyFile()
On the console MODULES CIFS. This case customer did not have CIFS loaded. If it is loaded and you are using the Novell client with a NW ZEN server try disabling the CIFS.
With Consoleone check to see if the workstation object has rights to the scandir directory. First find out what the scandir directory is by Properties of the ServerName_ZenInvService object | ZEN inventory object tab | Scan directory path.
Browse to the volume of the server in consoleone | zenworks\inv\scandir | properties of scandir | trustees tab | effective rights | browse to the workstation object you are troubleshooting with | This workstation should have create rights. For troubleshooting try adding read, write, and file scan rights.
Search the web for a free tool called DBWIN32.EXE.
Run dbwin32.exe and then Start | run | wmsched | click the inventory policy and RUN NOW | you will see the inventory process fly by. Near the end you should see something like:
472: ZenLite : Info : Transfer file from
C:\Zenworks\000C2929779C_1092326450000_7.STR to
472: Info :
STRFile transfered sucessfully.
472: ZenLite : Info : Deleted
C:\Zenworks\000C2929779C_1092326450000_7.STR file from local
4044: ZenLite : Info : Transfer file from
C:\Zenworks\000347B82626_1092161400000_0.STR to
4044: Error :
STRFile Couldn't transfer properly. ( ZENWriteFile() error code :
4044: ZenLite : Info : Trying to copyFile using
4044: ZENWriteInvFile : Starting ZENWriteInvFile
C:\Zenworks\000347B82626_1092161400000_0.STR to\\NovellRocks-FS1\VOL1\ZENworks\Inv\ScanDir\000347B82626_1092161400000_0.STR
Check the
following file
Once you
modify the files do the following:
Most of the
ZFD 3.x troubleshooting still applies to KB 3543750 Troubleshooting ZENworks for Desktops Inventory
Another good place to look for troubleshooting ideas is the AWESOME ZFD Advanced Techncial Training (ATT) manual with flow charts, and troubleshooting steps/questions and tools! Attend the ZFD ATT training and you'll get one of these AWESOME books.
Additional Information
Formerly known as TID# 10094127