When Domain database is german e.g. Teß and Tess are the same users.

  • 3616414
  • 28-Feb-2007
  • 12-Jun-2013


Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 2012
Novell GroupWise 7


When the Domain database language is German the users Teß and Tess are the
duplicates when they are on the same PO. If you change the domain database
language to English US you can create a user Teß and Tess. Then this will 2
different users on the same PO. If you had your domain database in English,
created the users Teß and Tess on the same PO and you want to change the
domain database language to German, you will get an error "Duplicate entry
found in database"


This will not be fixed. With the GroupWise version after 2012, the administration will be changed and this should be no more problem.

Additional Information

Steps to duplicate:
1) Create a domain called DOM1, the database language should be German
2) Creata a post office called PO1, the database language should be German
3) Create a user with the groupwise ID Tess
4) Create a user with the groupwise ID Teß. This will not be possible. You
will get the following error: The context already exists in dom1.po1.Teß.
click on close and cancel
5) Change to domain database language to English-US. Rebuild the domain
database. (rebuild the database to c:\, close C1 and copy the database from C:\
to its location).
6) Repeat step 4. This time you will be able to create the user.
7) Change to domain database language to German. Rebuild the domain database.
After you have clicked on Run you will get an error "Duplicate Entry Found in

Database", and the database will not be rebuild.