Novell ZENworks for Desktops 4.0.1 -
Novell ZENworks Desktop Management 6.5 -
Novell ZENworks Desktop Management 7 -
Novell ZENworks
for Desktops 3.2 SP1 - ZfD 3.2 SP1Situation
Installation of various ZENworks
Service packs hangs when running from the same workstation as prior
installations of ZENworks.
ZfD3.2 SP1 install does not continue after "Checking for previous installations of ZENworks for Desktops" message.
ZfD3.2 SP1 install does not continue after attempting to find the NDS tree.
ZDM65 the
following error occurs: an error message is displayed: ERROR:
We are unable to determine that ZENworks Desktop Management 6.5 is
installed on [server name]. This can be caused by not having
sufficient rights to the target server. Be sure that ZENworks 6.5
in installed and that you have rights to administer [server name]
before applying the support pack.
FILES\NOVELL\JRE directory on the Windows server or workstation.
This is documented in section 3.1.5 of the ZfD32SP1server.txt
See TID10070445for the same issue when installing ZfD 3.2.
It may be necessary to enable the ZENworks agent install debug logging as described in KB 3112868.
See TID10070445for the same issue when installing ZfD 3.2.
It may be necessary to enable the ZENworks agent install debug logging as described in KB 3112868.
Additional Information
Formerly known as TID# 10076259