Cannot Recommission or Activate the Pools or Volumes On OES Linux Server After Upgrade From NetWare

  • 3608031
  • 21-Oct-2006
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 3
Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 4
Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 5
Novell Open Enterprise Server (Linux based) (OES)
Novell Storage Services (NSS)


After upgrading from NetWare 6.5 SP 3 to OES Linux SP2 the data pools/volumes could not be activated, nor could the recommission script be run against the pool without error.

ERROR: NSS-4.07a-1449:
Error reading PoolData Block 22203557, status=20206
ERROR: 21726
ERROR: Error -1 Pool state was not changed successfully


Make sure that all of the latest patches are applied to the server.

1. Make sure that you are subscribed to the oes channel (rug ch). If subscribed it will say "yes" next to the channel
2. Refresh the channel with "rug refresh" without the quotes
3. Check for new patches "rug pl"
4. Install patches for the server that may be out of date.

In this particular case the server was using multipathing (MPIO) and patch-11146 was available. After patching, reconfiguring NSS, and restarting the server the pool activated, volumes mounted, and the recommission perl script was able to run agains the pools/volumes.