Novell ZENworks 7
Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1
NAL takes up to 40 seconds to completely load.
The NAL search icon in the notification area keeps spinning up to 40 seconds.
NAL takes 40 seconds to display applications when 30 application objects are associated to 8 different user groups.
NAL is slow to load when being launched over slow WAN links.
In this
instance, directly associating the application objects to the
users, instead of associating applications to user groups, reduced
the NAL application search process or "spin" from 40 seconds to 8
that the overhead that NAL takes in searching for attributes
on groups is the reason for the increased ammount of time NAL
takes to completely search the directory.
Additional Information
The following settings were already in place prior to the resolution listed above and had little or no effect on the ammount of time it takes NAL to search or spin searching for applications:
- Container
Package | Search Policy | Search Order | Remove"Group"
- Container
Package | Search Policy | Search Level | Search for Policies up to
Selected Container, Search Level 0
Application Launcher Settings | Read groups for application (user)
set to "No"
Application Launcher Settings | Read groups for application
(workstation) set to "No"
Application Launcher Settings | Always evaluate referrals set to"No"
Application Launcher Settings | Set application inheritance level
(User) set to "Unset"
- Application Launcher
Settings | Set application inheritance level (Workstation) set to"Unset"