Novell Client
Novell Client 4.81 for Microsoft Windows NT/2000
Novell Client 4.91 for Microsoft Windows 2000/XP
Novell Client 3.31 for Windows 95/98
Novell Client 4.81 for Microsoft Windows NT/2000
Novell Client 4.91 for Microsoft Windows 2000/XP
Novell Client 3.31 for Windows 95/98
How to automate the installation of an .inf file.
Installing Novell Client Post Support Pack Patches on multiple workstations.
To automatically install the patches on top of the Novell client you may run an ACU. The disadvantage would be that the whole client will be re-installed. Another option is to launch an INF file from within a batch-file or the Login Script.
Fo using Login Script to install the post support pack patches, the .INF file can be launched using the following command line. Note that these commands are case sensitive and make sure to edit the path to the .INF file in the correct path.
For Windows NT/2000/XP:
# C:\Windows\rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 0 \\NetWareServer\Volume\Directory\PathToTheNT491PT1-INF-file.
For Windows 95/98:
# C:\Windows\rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 \\NetWareServer\Volume\Directory\PathToThe95331PT1-INF-file.
For Windows NT/2000/XP:
# C:\Windows\rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 0 \\NetWareServer\Volume\Directory\PathToTheNT491PT1-INF-file.
For Windows 95/98:
# C:\Windows\rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 \\NetWareServer\Volume\Directory\PathToThe95331PT1-INF-file.
Make sure you include the .inf extension in the patch file name when adding it to the end of the path in Login Script.
Additional Information
Although the Readmes for the Novell Client v 4.91/4.81 and the Novell Client v3.31 state that the fixes from the patch for Windows NT/2000 or for Windows 95/98 should be together with the original client installed, some customers may not do that, and later on decide to install the patches. Because the patch contains an .INF file to install the fixes contained in the Patches, there is no setup routine to install them.
Formerly known as TID# 10065943