Code(-8021) Unable to set NMAS password, -222

  • 3603761
  • 30-Aug-2006
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell eDirectory
Novell Identity Manager 3.0
Novell Identity Manager 3.0 eDirectory Driver
Novell Password Synchronization 2.0


Anytime a user changed his password on the source tree, the password was not changed in the Identity Vault (destination) Tree. The IDM trace show:
DirXML Log Event -------------------
Driver: \NOVELL-LAB-PROD\IDM\IDM-DriverSet\eDir2eDir
Channel: Publisher
Object: \NOVELL-LAB-IDV\IDM\idmtest (\NOVELL-LAB-IDV\IDM\idmtest)
Status: Warning
Message: Code(-8021) Unable to set NMAS password, -222.


The Universal Password policy (in the destination tree) has to have the option "Allow User to Initiate the password change" set to true, for the driver to be able to change the user's password.

Additional Information

The error -222 in eDirectory context means BAD PASSWORD, and can be caused by several different issues. Besides the resolution above, if you are using Universal Passwords make sure that the SDI keys are working properly on them and that you can change the password properly on both Trees.