Howto create a vpn Linux client profile to connect to Novell BorderManager 3.9

  • 3600989
  • 23-Jan-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell BorderManager 3.8
Novell BorderManager 3.9 Beta


Customer would like to test the new Linux Vpn Client to connect to his Novell BorderManager server. The on-line documentation only contains information to create a profile to connect to an Standard IPSec gateway or to a Nortel appliance.


  1. Install the vpn Linux client from the beta NBM 3.9 download. Follow on line docs to install it properly

  2. Open a system terminal, change to root using su and issue the follow command:

    cat /var/log/vpnClientInstall.log

    You should see at the end of the report:

    Installation terminated successfully

  3. Using KDE, click over the KnetworkManager on the right down panel and select vpn connections and configure vpn.

  4. On the Manage Virtual Private Network Connections select + Add

  1. Click on forward

  2. On the Connect to field, chose NovellVpnClient. If you do not see this options and vpn client install finished with no errors, reboot the machine and try it again.

  3. Click forward

  4. On the connection name field, give a name to identify this connection, e.i NBM 3.9

  5. On the gateway type field select Novell Bordermanager

  6. On the authentication type field select Nmas

  7. On the Gateway field, enter the public ip address of the Novell BorderManager server

  8. On the same screen, select the NMAS tab

  9. On the NMAS sequence field select NDS

  10. On the context field enter the context of the user, just the context, e.i novell

  11. On the User name field, enter the user name, e.i admin.

    ( Assuming user is located in cn=admin.o=nts)

  12. On the same screen, click on the arrow of the optional information

  13. On the DH group field chose DH2

  14. On the PFS Group chose 1
  15. Click on apply

  16. Profile has been created and you can close the manage virtual private connections screen

  17. Verify that racoon service is ready. As root on a system console type:

    rcracoon restart

  18. To use this profile and connect to your NBM server, click on the KnetworkManager on the right down panel and select vpn connections. You will see an entry "Connect to NBM 3.9”. Select the entry.

  19. Yo will be prompted for the user eDir password. Enter it.

    Connection will be made. you can verify it on a terminal server console, being root, type ifconfig

    you will see an ethx:x interface with the ip address of the vpn client pool you configured in iManager.

  20. Now you will be able to access your internal networks thru the Linux vpn client