Server abends viewing document in WebAccess

  • 3598394
  • 12-Oct-2006
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise WebAccess


Server abends viewing document in WebAccess
EIP in LIBC.NLM | strcpy
Server abends restarting GWDVA-WRKR thread
Last action in logs is viewing of a document


There is a defect in the /relay functionality. 
In gwdva.dva disable /relay. 
This should not effect the ability of the GWDVA to send notifications to the user defined in /email

This will be considered for a future Service Pack.


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

Abend 1 on P00: Server-5.70.04: Page Fault Processor Exception (Error code 00000002)

    CS = 0060 DS = 007B ES = 007B FS = 007B GS = 007B SS = 0068
    EAX = 00000031 EBX = 00000F49 ECX = 61FA5A9C EDX = 61FA6109
    ESI = 61E20242 EDI = 00000000 EBP = 61FA701C ESP = 61FA5B3C
    EIP = BABDB429 FLAGS = 00010202
    BABDB429 AA             STOSB   
    EIP in LIBC.NLM at code start +00092429h
    Access Location: 0x00000000

The violation occurred while processing the following instruction:
BABDB429 AA             STOSB   
BABDB42A 3C00           CMP     AL, 00
BABDB42C 740F           JZ      BABDB43D
BABDB42E 66AD           LODSW   
BABDB430 84C0           TEST    AL, AL
BABDB432 7503           JNZ     BABDB437
BABDB434 AA             STOSB   
BABDB435 EB06           JMP     BABDB43D
BABDB437 66AB           STOSW   
BABDB439 84E4           TEST    AH, AH

Running process: gwdva0-wrkr1 Process
Thread Owned by NLM: GWDVA.NLM
Stack pointer: 61FA580C
OS Stack limit: 61F881E0
Scheduling priority: 67371008
Wait state: 5050090  Wait for interrupt
Stack: --00000139  ?
       --61FA60BF  ?
       4CD15F40  (GWDVA.NLM|(Code Start)+CF40)
       --00000000  ?
       -61E20241  ?
       --00000001  ?
       --4CCC6C80  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
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       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
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       --00000000  ?
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       --00000000  ?
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       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
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       --00000000  ?
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       --00000000  ?
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       --00000000  ?
       --00000000  ?
Additional Information:
    The CPU encountered a problem executing code in LIBC.NLM.  The problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module by a process owned by GWDVA.NLM.