Sentinel 5.1.xx
Sentinel 5.1.2
Sentinel 5.1.3
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP1
1. During the install of Crystal Reports on Windows 2003
SP1, the following error may be returned: Error 1920. Service'Crystal Reports Cache Server'(BOBJCrystalReportsCacheServer)
failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to
start system services.
2. Not all Crystal Reports services on Windows 2003 SP1 may
The problem is due to Microsoft's Data Execution Prevention (DEP).
The Crystal Reports install instructions (which are in the process
of being updated) are incomplete with respect of how to
address this issue. If the install instructions do not work, it may
be necessary to set DEP to 'Turn on DEP
for essential Windows programs and services only'.This is done
by right-clicking on My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced
-> under the Performance click 'Settings' -> Data Execution
Prevention tab ->'Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs
and services only'.
Additional Information
Link to BusinessObjects support article about this issue: http://technicalsupport.businessobjects.com/KanisaSupportSite/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=c2017924&sliceId=&dialogID=6240350&stateId=1
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